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constantinople    音標拼音: [k,ɑnstæntən'opəl]
n. 土耳其都市


n 1: the largest city and former capital of Turkey; rebuilt on
the site of ancient Byzantium by Constantine I in the
fourth century; renamed Constantinople by Constantine who
made it the capital of the Byzantine Empire; now the seat
of the Eastern Orthodox Church [synonym: {Istanbul}, {Stambul},
{Stamboul}, {Constantinople}]
2: the council in 869 that condemned Photius who had become the
patriarch of Constantinople without approval from the
Vatican, thereby precipitating the schism between the eastern
and western churches [synonym: {Constantinople}, {Fourth Council
of Constantinople}]
3: the sixth ecumenical council in 680-681 which condemned
Monothelitism by defining two wills in Christ, divine and
human [synonym: {Constantinople}, {Third Council of
4: the fifth ecumenical council in 553 which held Origen's
writings to be heretic [synonym: {Constantinople}, {Second
Council of Constantinople}]
5: the second ecumenical council in 381 which added wording
about the Holy Spirit to the Nicene Creed [synonym:
{Constantinople}, {First Council of Constantinople}]

Constantinople \Constantinople\ prop. n.
the former capital of the Eastern Roman Empire; it was built
on the site of ancient Byzantium, and the name was changed to
Istanbul by the Turks.

Syn: Istanbul, Stambul, Stamboul.
[WordNet 1.5]

Note: The name change was the subject of a humorous song in
the 1950's "Istanbul (not Constantinople)":
Artists: The Four Lads -- peak Billboard position # 10
in 1953 -- Words by Jimmy Kennedy and Music by Nat
Simon -- (C) Chappell & Co. Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time
gone, Constantinople Now it's Turkish delight on a
moonlit night Every gal in Constantinople Lives in
Istanbul, not Constantinople So if you've a date in
Constantinople She'll be waiting in Istanbul Even old
New York Was once New Amsterdam Why they changed it I
can't say People just liked it better that way Take me
back to Constantinople No, you can't go back to
Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's
business but the Turks'

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