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silvery    音標拼音: [s'ɪlvɚi]
a. 象銀的,銀色的,銀鈴一樣的


adj 1: resembling or reminiscent of silver; "a soft silvern
voice"; "singing in her silvery tones" [synonym: {silvern},
2: having the white lustrous sheen of silver; "a land of silver
(or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap"; "repeated
scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen" [synonym:
{silver}, {silvern}, {silvery}]
3: of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of
silver; "silvery hair" [synonym: {argent}, {silver}, {silvery},

Silvery \Sil"ver*y\, a.
1. Resembling, or having the luster of, silver; grayish white
and lustrous; of a mild luster; bright.
[1913 Webster]

All the enameled race, whose silvery wing
Waves to the tepid zephyrs of the spring. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

2. Besprinkled or covered with silver.
[1913 Webster]

3. Having the clear, musical tone of silver; soft and clear
in sound; as, silvery voices; a silvery laugh.
[1913 Webster]

{Silvery iron} (Metal.), a peculiar light-gray fine-grained
cast iron, usually obtained from clay iron ore.
[1913 Webster]

159 Moby Thesaurus words for "silvery":
Quaker-colored, achingly sweet, acier, agreeable,
agreeable-sounding, appealing, argent, argentine, ariose, arioso,
ashen, ashy, aureate, brass, brassy, brazen, brilliant, bronze,
bronzy, canescent, canorous, cantabile, catchy, chalky, cinereous,
cinerous, copper, coppery, cretaceous, cupreous, cuprous, dapple,
dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dingy, dismal, dove-colored,
dove-gray, dreary, dulcet, dull, dusty, euphonic, euphonious,
euphonous, ferrous, ferruginous, fine-toned, fleecy-white, frosted,
frosty, gilt, glaucescent, glaucous, glittering, gold, gold-filled,
gold-plated, golden, golden-tongued, golden-voiced, gray,
gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green,
gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, griseous,
grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, hoar, hoary, honeyed, iron, iron-gray,
ironlike, lactescent, lead, lead-gray, leaden, lily-white, livid,
marble, marmoreal, melic, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellisonant,
mellow, melodic, melodious, mercurial, mercurous, milky,
mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, music-flowing, music-like,
musical, nickel, nickelic, nickeline, niveous, pearl, pearl-gray,
pearly, pewter, pewtery, platinum, pleasant, pleasant-sounding,
pure white, quicksilver, rich, sad, shimmering, shining, silver,
silver-gray, silver-plated, silver-toned, silver-tongued,
silver-voiced, silvered, singable, slate-colored, slaty,
smoke-gray, smoky, snow-white, snowy, sober, somber, songful,
songlike, sonorous, steel, steel-gray, steely, stone-colored,
swan-white, sweet, sweet-flowing, sweet-sounding, taupe, tin,
tinny, tunable, tuneful, white, white as snow

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