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turnpike    音標拼音: [t'ɚnp,ɑɪk]
n. 收費公路;收通行稅柵門


n 1: (from 16th to 19th centuries) gates set across a road to
prevent passage until a toll had been paid
2: an expressway on which tolls are collected [synonym: {turnpike},
{toll road}]

Turnpike \Turn"pike`\, n. [Turn pike.]
1. A frame consisting of two bars crossing each other at
right angles and turning on a post or pin, to hinder the
passage of beasts, but admitting a person to pass between
the arms; a turnstile. See {Turnstile}, 1.
[1913 Webster]

I move upon my axle like a turnpike. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

2. A gate or bar set across a road to stop carriages,
animals, and sometimes people, till toll is paid for
keeping the road in repair; a tollgate.
[1913 Webster]

3. A turnpike road. --De Foe.
[1913 Webster]

4. A winding stairway. [Scot.] --Sir W. Scott.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Mil.) A beam filled with spikes to obstruct passage; a
cheval-de-frise. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

{Turnpike man}, a man who collects tolls at a turnpike.

{Turnpike road}, a road on which turnpikes, or tollgates, are
established by law, in order to collect from the users
tolls to defray the cost of building, repairing, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Turnpike \Turn"pike`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turnpiked}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Turnpiking}.]
To form, as a road, in the manner of a turnpike road; to
throw into a rounded form, as the path of a road. --Knowles.
[1913 Webster]

108 Moby Thesaurus words for "turnpike":
Autobahn, French door, US highway, alley, alleyway, archway,
arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, autoroute,
autostrada, avenue, back door, barway, belt highway, blind alley,
boulevard, bulkhead, bypass, byway, camino real, carriage entrance,
carriageway, causeway, causey, cellar door, cellarway, chaussee,
circumferential, close, corduroy road, county road, court,
crescent, cul-de-sac, dead-end street, dike, dirt road, door,
doorjamb, doorpost, doorway, drive, driveway, expressway, freeway,
front door, gate, gatepost, gateway, gravel road, hatch, hatchway,
highroad, highway, highways and byways, interstate highway, lane,
lintel, local road, main drag, main road, mews, motorway, parkway,
pave, paved road, pike, place, plank road, porch, portal,
porte cochere, postern, primary highway, private road, propylaeum,
pylon, right-of-way, ring road, road, roadbed, roadway,
route nationale, row, royal road, scuttle, secondary road,
side door, speedway, state highway, stile, storm door, street,
superhighway, terrace, thoroughfare, threshold, through street,
thruway, toll road, tollgate, township road, trap, trap door,
turnstile, wynd

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