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anarchic    音標拼音: [æn'ɑrkɪk]
a. 無政府[狀態] 的;無法的

無政府[狀態] 的;無法的

adj 1: without law or control; "the system is economically
inefficient and politically anarchic" [synonym: {anarchic},
{anarchical}, {lawless}]

Anarchic \A*nar"chic\, Anarchical \A*nar"chic*al\, a. [Cf. F.
Pertaining to anarchy; without rule or government; in
political confusion; tending to produce anarchy; as, anarchic
despotism; anarchical opinions.
[1913 Webster]

142 Moby Thesaurus words for "anarchic":
Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Carbonarist, Castroist, Castroite,
Communist, Fenian, Guevarist, Jacobinic, Leninist, Maoist, Marxist,
Mau-Mau, Trotskyist, Trotskyite, Vietcong, actionable,
against the law, agin the government, amorphic, amorphous,
anarchial, anarchistic, angry, anomic, antinomian, arsy-varsy,
ass-backwards, baggy, balled up, black-market, blobby, blurred,
blurry, blustering, blusterous, blustery, bollixed up, bootleg,
chaotic, characterless, chargeable, confused, contraband,
contrary to law, criminal, disorderly, disorganized, featureless,
felonious, flawed, formless, fouled up, frantic, frenzied, furious,
fuzzy, galley-west, hazy, hellish, helter-skelter,
higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger, illegal, illegitimate, illicit,
impermissible, in a mess, inchoate, indecisive, indefinite,
indeterminate, inform, infuriate, insensate, irregular, jumbled,
justiciable, kaleidoscopic, lawless, lumpen, mad, mindless, misty,
mixed up, mucked up, muddled, nihilistic, nonconstitutional,
nondescript, nonlegal, nonlicit, obscure, orderless, orgasmic,
orgastic, outlaw, outlawed, pandemoniac, punishable, raging,
ravening, raving, revolutionist, rip-roaring, sans-culottic,
sans-culottish, scattered, screwed up, shapeless, skimble-skamble,
snafu, storming, stormy, syndicalistic, tempestuous, terrorist,
topsy-turvy, triable, troublous, tumultuous, turbulent, unallowed,
unauthorized, unclear, unconstitutional, undefined,
under-the-counter, under-the-table, unlawful, unofficial,
unordered, unorganized, unruly, unstatutory, unwarrantable,
unwarranted, uproarious, upside-down, vague, wild, wrongful

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