beautiful 音標拼音: [bj'utəfəl] a. 美麗的,美好的 美麗的,美好的 beautiful adj 1: delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; " a beautiful child"; " beautiful country"; " a beautiful painting"; " a beautiful theory"; " a beautiful party" [ ant: { ugly}] 2: ( of weather) highly enjoyable; " what a beautiful day" Beautiful \ Beau" ti* ful\ ( b[= u]" t[ i^]* f[. u] l), a. Having the qualities which constitute beauty; pleasing to the sight or the mind. [ 1913 Webster] A circle is more beautiful than a square; a square is more beautiful than a parallelogram. -- Lord Kames. [ 1913 Webster] Syn: Handsome; elegant; lovely; fair; charming; graceful; pretty; delightful. See { Fine}. -- { Beau" ti* ful* ly}, adv. -- { Beau" ti* ful* ness}, n. [ 1913 Webster] 57 Moby Thesaurus words for " beautiful": admirable, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing, alluring, appealing, art- conscious, artistic, arty, attractive, beauteous, bonny, charming, choice, comely, delightful, elegant, endowed with beauty, excellent, exquisite, eye- filling, fair, fine, first- rate, flowerlike, glorious, good- looking, gorgeous, graceful, gracile, handsome, hear, heavy, incomparable, lovely, magnificent, of consummate art, ornamental, painterly, personable, pleasant, pleasing, pretty, proper, pulchritudinous, radiant, resplendent, smashing, spectacular, splendid, stunning, sublime, superb, superior, tasteful, well done, well- favored, wonderful |