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ineffectual    音標拼音: [,ɪnəf'ɛktʃuəl]
a. 無效的,無益的,白費的


adj 1: not producing an intended effect; "an ineffective
teacher"; "ineffective legislation" [synonym: {ineffective},
{uneffective}, {ineffectual}] [ant: {effective},
{effectual}, {efficacious}]
2: producing no result or effect; "a futile effort"; "the
therapy was ineffectual"; "an otiose undertaking"; "an
unavailing attempt" [synonym: {futile}, {ineffectual}, {otiose},
3: lacking in power or forcefulness; "an ineffectual ruler";
"like an unable phoenix in hot ashes" [synonym: {ineffective},
{ineffectual}, {unable}]

Ineffectual \In`ef*fec"tu*al\ (?; 135), a.
Not producing the proper effect; without effect; inefficient;
weak; useless; futile; unavailing; as, an ineffectual
attempt; an ineffectual expedient. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

The peony root has been much commended, . . . and yet
has been by many found ineffectual. --Boyle.

Syn: Inefficient; useless; inefficacious; vain; fruitless;
unavailing; futile. See {Useless}, {Inefficacious}.
[1913 Webster]

117 Moby Thesaurus words for "ineffectual":
abortive, acarpous, aimless, arid, barren, bootless, borne,
celibate, childless, counterproductive, desert, desolate, drained,
dried-up, dry, effete, emasculate, empty, etiolated, exhausted,
failed, failing, fallow, fatuitous, fatuous, featherweight,
feckless, forceless, fruitless, futile, gaunt, gelded,
ill-qualified, impotent, inadequate, inane, incapable, incompetent,
ineffective, inefficacious, inefficient, infecund, infertile,
inoperative, invalid, invertebrate, issueless, jejune, lame,
leached, lightweight, limited, maladjusted, manque, mean,
meaningless, menopausal, miscarried, miscarrying, narrow, no go,
no-account, nonfertile, nonproducing, nonproductive, nonprolific,
not equal to, not up to, nugacious, nugatory, of no account,
of no effect, of no force, of no use, paltry, pointless, powerless,
purposeless, set, sine prole, small, spineless, sterile, stickit,
stillborn, successless, sucked dry, superfluous, teemless, unable,
unadapted, unadjusted, unauthoritative, unavailable, unavailing,
uncultivated, unequipped, unfertile, unfit, unfitted, unfortunate,
unfruitful, unplowed, unproductive, unprolific, unqualified,
unsown, unsuccessful, untilled, useless, vain, virgin, waste,
wasted, weak, without any weight, without issue

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