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stiffness    音標拼音: [st'ɪfnəs]
n. 堅硬,呆板,刻板


n 1: the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend
2: the property of moving with pain or difficulty; "he awoke
with a painful stiffness in his neck"
3: firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action; "a
charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity"
4: the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by
embarrassment) [synonym: {awkwardness}, {clumsiness},
{gracelessness}, {stiffness}]
5: excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness
of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"
[synonym: {severity}, {severeness}, {harshness}, {rigor},
{rigour}, {rigorousness}, {rigourousness}, {inclemency},
{hardness}, {stiffness}]

Stiffness \Stiff"ness\, n.
The quality or state of being stiff; as, the stiffness of
cloth or of paste; stiffness of manner; stiffness of
[1913 Webster]

The vices of old age have the stiffness of it too.
[1913 Webster]

140 Moby Thesaurus words for "stiffness":
adamantness, aridity, barrenness, bloodlessness, buckram,
ceremonial, ceremoniousness, ceremony, characterlessness,
cohesiveness, colorlessness, costliness, deadness, dearness,
dignity, dismalness, dourness, dragginess, dreariness, dryness,
dullness, durability, dustiness, effeteness, emptiness, etiolation,
extrinsicality, firmness, flatness, flintiness, form, formality,
formalization, fundamentalism, gravity, great cost, grimness,
hard-bittenness, hard-nosedness, hardiness, hardness, heaviness,
highness, hollowness, immovability, immutability, impliability,
inanity, inelasticity, inexcitability, inexorability,
inflexibility, infrangibility, insipidity, insipidness,
intransigeance, intransigence, intransigency, intransigentism,
irreconcilability, jejunity, lastingness, leadenness,
leatherlikeness, lifelessness, lowness of spirit, luxuriousness,
obduracy, obdurateness, obstinacy, orthodoxy, paleness, pallor,
pointlessness, pokiness, pomp, pomposity, ponderousness,
precisianism, primness, purism, puritanism, relentlessness,
renitence, renitency, resistance, richness, rigidity, rigidness,
rigor, rigorism, rigorousness, ritual, rituality, ropiness,
slowness, solemnity, spiritlessness, stamina, starchiness,
steeliness, steepness, sterility, sternness, stiff temper,
stiltedness, stodginess, strength, stringiness, stubbornness,
stuffiness, stylization, sumptuousness, superficiality,
tastelessness, tautness, tediousness, tenacity, tenseness, tension,
tensity, tightness, toughness, unalterability, unbendingness,
unbreakability, unbreakableness, unchangeability,
uncompromisingness, ungivingness, uninterestingness, unliveliness,
unrelentingness, unyieldingness, vapidity, vapidness, viscidity,
vitality, weight, woodenness

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