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triangular    音標拼音: [trɑɪ'æŋgjəlɚ]
a. 三角形的,三人間的


adj 1: having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle;
"a triangular figure"; "a triangular pyrimid has a
triangle for a base"
2: having three sides; "a trilateral figure" [synonym: {trilateral},
{triangular}, {three-sided}]

Compasses \Com"pass*es\, n., pl.
An instrument for describing circles, measuring figures,
etc., consisting of two, or (rarely) more, pointed branches,
or legs, usually joined at the top by a rivet on which they
[1913 Webster]

Note: The compasses for drawing circles have adjustable pen
points, pencil points, etc.; those used for measuring
without adjustable points are generally called
dividers. See {Dividers}.
[1913 Webster]

{Bow compasses}. See {Bow-compass}.

{Caliber compasses}, {Caliper compasses}. See {Calipers}.

{Proportional}, {Triangular}, etc., {compasses}. See under
{Proportional}, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Triangular \Tri*an"gu*lar\, a. [L. triangularis: cf. F.
1. Having three angles; having the form of a triangle.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Oblong or elongated, and having three lateral
angles; as, a triangular seed, leaf, or stem.
[1913 Webster]

{Triangular compasses}, compasses with three legs for taking
off the angular points of a triangle, or any three points
at the same time.

{Triangular crab} (Zool.), any maioid crab; -- so called
because the carapace is usually triangular.

{Triangular numbers} (Math.), the series of numbers formed by
the successive sums of the terms of an arithmetical
progression, of which the first term and the common
difference are 1. See {Figurate numbers}, under
[1913 Webster]

44 Moby Thesaurus words for "triangular":
cuneate, cuneated, cuneiform, deltoid, fan-shaped, oxygonal, three,
three-cornered, three-dimensional, three-footed, three-in-one,
three-pronged, three-sided, triadic, trial, triangulate, triarch,
trichotomous, tricorn, tricornered, tricuspid, trident, tridental,
trifid, triflorate, triflorous, trifurcate, trigonal, trigonoid,
trigrammatic, trihedral, trilateral, trimerous, trinal, trine,
triparted, tripartite, triple, triplex, tripodic, triquetral,
triquetrous, trisected, triune

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