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ventilate    音標拼音: [v'ɛntəl,et] [v'ɛnəl,et]
vt. 使空氣流通,使通風,宣布,公開


v 1: expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air
the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms"
[synonym: {vent}, {ventilate}, {air out}, {air}]
2: expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard
spoilage; "Wheat should be well ventilated"
3: circulate through and freshen; "The gust of air ventilated
the room"
4: give expression or utterance to; "She vented her anger"; "The
graduates gave vent to cheers" [synonym: {vent}, {ventilate},
{give vent}]
5: furnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to
escape; "The architect did not think about ventilating the
storage space"

Ventilate \Ven"ti*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ventilated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Ventilating}.] [L. ventilatus, p. p. of
ventilare to toss, brandish in the air, to fan, to winnow,
from ventus wind; akin to E. wind. See {Wind} rushing air.]
1. To open and expose to the free passage of air; to supply
with fresh air, and remove impure air from; to air; as, to
ventilate a room; to ventilate a cellar; to ventilate a
[1913 Webster]

2. To provide with a vent, or escape, for air, gas, etc.; as,
to ventilate a mold, or a water-wheel bucket.
[1913 Webster]

3. To change or renew, as the air of a room. --Harvey.
[1913 Webster]

4. To winnow; to fan; as, to ventilate wheat.
[1913 Webster]

5. To sift and examine; to bring out, and subject to
penetrating scrutiny; to expose to examination and
discussion; as, to ventilate questions of policy.
[1913 Webster]

6. To give vent to; to utter; to make public.
[1913 Webster]

Macaulay took occasion to ventilate one of those
startling, but not very profound, paradoxes. --J. C.
[1913 Webster]

88 Moby Thesaurus words for "ventilate":
aerate, air, air out, air-condition, air-cool, airify, analyze,
break it to, break the news, breathe, bring up, broach, canvass,
chew the fat, chill, come out with, comment upon, confide,
confide to, consider, controvert, cool, cross-ventilate, deal with,
debate, deliberate, deliberate upon, discourse, discourse about,
discuss, display, divulgate, divulge, evulgate, examine,
exchange views, fan, freshen, freshen the air, fumigate, give,
give out, give vent to, go into, handle, ice, ice-cool,
infrigidate, introduce, investigate, knock around, let get around,
let in on, let out, make known, make public, moot, open up,
out with, oxygenate, oxygenize, pass under review, publish, put,
put out, rap, reason, reason about, reason the point, refresh,
refrigerate, reveal, review, sift, state, study, take up, talk,
talk about, talk of, talk over, tell, thresh out, treat, utter,
vent, wind, winnow

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