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recurrent    音標拼音: [rɪk'ɚənt] [rik'ɚənt]
a. 再發生的,定期重復的,循環的


adj 1: recurring again and again; "perennial efforts to
stipulate the requirements" [synonym: {perennial},
{recurrent}, {repeated}]

Recurrent \Re*cur"rent\ (-rent), a. [L. recurrens, -entis, p.
pr. of recurrere: cf.F. r['e]current. See {Recur}.]
1. Returning from time to time; recurring; as, recurrent
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.) Running back toward its origin; as, a recurrent
nerve or artery.
[1913 Webster]

{Recurrent fever}. (Med.) See {Relapsing fever}, under

{Recurrent pulse} (Physiol.), the pulse beat which appears
(when the radial artery is compressed at the wrist) on the
distal side of the point of pressure through the arteries
of the palm of the hand.

{Recurrent sensibility} (Physiol.), the sensibility
manifested by the anterior, or motor, roots of the spinal
cord (their stimulation causing pain) owing to the
presence of sensory fibers from the corresponding sensory
or posterior roots.
[1913 Webster]

112 Moby Thesaurus words for "recurrent":
alternate, articulated, automatic, beaten, beating, catenated,
ceaseless, circling, common, concatenated, connected, constant,
continual, continued, continuing, continuous, cyclic, cyclical,
direct, endless, epochal, even, ever-recurring, every other,
everyday, featureless, frequent, frequentative, gapless, habitual,
hackneyed, haunting, immediate, incessant, indelible, interminable,
intermittent, isochronal, isochronous, iterative, joined,
jointless, linked, many, many times, measured, metronomic,
monotonous, nagging, never-ending, nonstop, not rare, obsessive,
of common occurrence, oft-repeated, oftentime, ordinary,
oscillatory, perennial, periodic, periodical, persistent,
prevalent, pulsing, reappearing, reciprocal, recurring, regular,
repeated, repetitious, repetitive, returning, revenant, rhythmic,
rotary, round-the-clock, routine, running, seamless, seasonal,
serial, serried, smooth, stable, steady, stereotyped, straight,
thematic, thick-coming, trite, twenty-four-hour, ubiquitous,
unbroken, unceasing, undifferentiated, undulant, undulatory,
unending, unforgettable, uniform, unintermitted, unintermittent,
unintermitting, uninterrupted, unrelieved, unremitting, unstopped,
usual, wavelike, well-trodden, well-worn, wheeling

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