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coda    音標拼音: [k'odə]
n. 終結句,樂章結尾部,完結部


n 1: the closing section of a musical composition [synonym:
{finale}, {coda}]

Coda \Co"da\ (k[=o]"d[.a]), n. [It., tail, fr. L. cauda.] (Mus.)
A few measures added beyond the natural termination of a
[1913 Webster]

173 Moby Thesaurus words for "coda":
PS, Parthian shot, Z, accession, accessory, accompaniment, addenda,
addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum,
adjunct, adjuvant, affix, afterthought, allonge, anacrusis, annex,
annexation, apodosis, appanage, appendage, appendant, appendix,
appurtenance, appurtenant, attachment, augment, augmentation,
back matter, bass passage, bourdon, bridge, burden, cadence,
catastrophe, ceasing, cessation, chorus, codicil, colophon,
commentary, complement, conclusion, concomitant, consequence,
consummation, continuance, continuation, corollary, crack of doom,
culmination, curtain, curtains, death, decease, denouement,
destination, destiny, development, division, doom, double take,
dying words, effect, enclitic, end, end point, ending, envoi,
epilogue, eschatology, expiration, exposition, extension,
extrapolation, fate, figure, final solution, final twitch,
final words, finale, finality, finis, finish, fixture, folderol,
follow-through, follow-up, goal, harmonic close, increase,
increment, infix, interlineation, interlude, intermezzo,
interpolation, introductory phrase, izzard, last, last breath,
last gasp, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end,
marginalia, measure, movement, musical phrase, musical sentence,
note, offshoot, omega, ornament, part, parting shot, passage,
payoff, pendant, period, peroration, phrase, postface, postfix,
postlude, postscript, prefix, proclitic, quietus, refrain,
reinforcement, resolution, response, resting place, rider,
ritornello, scholia, second thought, section, sequel, sequela,
sequelae, sequelant, sequent, sequitur, side effect, side issue,
stanza, statement, stoppage, stopping place, strain, subscript,
suffix, supplement, swan song, tag, tail, tailpiece, term,
terminal, termination, terminus, tutti, tutti passage,
undergirding, variation, verse, windup

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