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compliment    音標拼音: [k'ɑmpləmɛnt]
n. 稱贊,恭維,致意
vt. 稱贊,褒揚,恭維


n 1: a remark (or act) expressing praise and admiration
v 1: say something to someone that expresses praise; "He
complimented her on her last physics paper" [synonym:
{compliment}, {congratulate}]
2: express respect or esteem for

Compliment \Com"pli*ment\, v. t.
To praise, flatter, or gratify, by expressions of
approbation, respect, or congratulation; to make or pay a
compliment to.
[1913 Webster]

Monarchs should their inward soul disguise; . . .
Should compliment their foes and shun their friends.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To praise; flatter; adulate; commend.
[1913 Webster]

Compliment \Com"pli*ment\, v. i.
To pass compliments; to use conventional expressions of
[1913 Webster]

I make the interlocutors, upon occasion, compliment
with one another. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

Compliment \Com"pli*ment\, n. [F. compliment. It complimento,
fr. comlire to compliment, finish, suit, fr. L. complere to
fill up. See {Complete}, and cf. {Complement}.]
An expression, by word or act, of approbation, regard,
confidence, civility, or admiration; a flattering speech or
attention; a ceremonious greeting; as, to send one's
compliments to a friend.
[1913 Webster]

Tedious waste of time, to sit and hear
So many hollow compliments and lies. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Many a compliment politely penned. --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

{To make one a compliment}, to show one respect; to praise
one in a flattering way. --Locke.

{To make one's compliments to}, to offer formal courtesies

{To stand on compliment}, to treat with ceremony.

Syn: See {Adulation}.
[1913 Webster]

85 Moby Thesaurus words for "compliment":
TL, acclaim, accolade, adulate, adulation, applaud, benevolence,
beslobber, beslubber, best wishes, blandish, blandishment, blarney,
bless, blessing, blessings, boon, bouquet, bunkum, cajole,
cajolement, cajolery, commend, commendation, compliments, conceit,
congratulate, congratulation, congratulations, encomium, eulogy,
eyewash, fair words, favor, fawn upon, fawning, felicitate,
felicitation, flatter, flattering remark, flattery, give a bouquet,
good wishes, gratulate, gratulation, grease, greetings, hail,
hand it to, homage, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, honor, incense,
largess, laud, laudation, make fair weather, oil, oil the tongue,
orchids, palaver, pay a compliment, polite commendation, posy,
praise, present, pretty lies, recommend, regards, rejoice with,
respects, salutations, slobber over, soap, soft soap,
sweet nothings, sweet talk, sweet words, sycophancy, take off,
trade-last, tribute, wheedle, wheedling

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