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n. 永久保管


n 1: real property held inalienably (as by an ecclesiastical
corporation) [synonym: {mortmain}, {dead hand}]
2: the oppressive influence of past events or decisions [synonym:
{dead hand}, {dead hand of the past}, {mortmain}]

Mortification \Mor`ti*fi*ca"tion\, n. [F., fr. L. mortificatio a
killing. See {Mortify}.]
1. The act of mortifying, or the condition of being
mortified; especially:
(a) (Med.) The death of one part of an animal body, while
the rest continues to live; loss of vitality in some
part of a living animal; gangrene. --Dunglison.
(b) (Alchem. & Old Chem.) Destruction of active qualities;
neutralization. [Obs.] --Bacon.
(c) Subjection of the passions and appetites, by penance,
abstinence, or painful severities inflicted on the
[1913 Webster]

The mortification of our lusts has something in
it that is troublesome, yet nothing that is
unreasonable. --Tillotson.
[1913 Webster]

2. Deep humiliation or shame, from a loss of pride; painful
embarassment, usually arising from exposure of a mistake;
chagrin; vexation.
[1913 Webster PJC]

3. That which mortifies; the cause of humiliation, chagrin,
or vexation.
[1913 Webster]

It is one of the vexatious mortifications of a
studious man to have his thoughts discovered by a
tedious visit. --L'Estrange.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Scots Law) A gift to some charitable or religious
institution; -- nearly synonymous with {mortmain}.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Chagrin; vexation; shame. See {Chagrin}.
[1913 Webster]

Mortmain \Mort"main`\, n. [F. mort, morte, dead main hand; F.
main-morte. See {Mortal}, and {Manual}.] (Law)
Possession of lands or tenements in, or conveyance to, dead
hands, or hands that cannot alienate.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The term was originally applied to conveyance of land
made to ecclesiastical bodies; afterward to conveyance
made to any corporate body. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]

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