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ogle    音標拼音: ['ogəl]
n. 眉目傳情
vt. 注視
vi. 做媚眼


v 1: look at with amorous intentions

Ogle \O"gle\ ([=o]g'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ogled} ([=o]g'ld);
p. pr. & vb. n. {Ogling} ([=o]"gl[i^]ng).] [From a Dutch word
corresponding to G. [aum]ugeln to ogle, fr. auge eye; cf. D.
ooglonken to ogle, OD. oogen to cast sheep's eyes upon, ooge
eye. See {Eye}.]
1. To view or look at with side glances, as in fondness, or
with a design to attract notice.
[1913 Webster]

And ogling all their audience, ere they speak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To stare at conspicuously or impertinently.

Ogle \O"gle\, n.
An amorous side glance or look. --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

76 Moby Thesaurus words for "ogle":
amorous looks, attend, bedroom eyes, cast coquettish glances,
come-hither look, contemplate, coquet, coquetry,
coquettish glances, coquettishness, coyness, crane, crane the neck,
dalliance, evil eye, examine, eye, flirt, flirtation,
flirtatiousness, gallivant, gape, gaup, gawk, gaze,
gaze open-mouthed, give the eye, give the once-over, glad eye,
glare, gloat, glower, glowering look, goggle, gold-dig,
goo-goo eyes, hard look, inspect, lamp, leer, leer at, look,
look at, look on, look over, look sweet upon, make eyes at,
malocchio, ocular, oculus, ogle at, orb, peeper, penetrating look,
peruse, philander, play around, pore, pore over, rubberneck,
run around, scrutinize, size up, stand on tiptoe, stare, stare at,
stare down, stare hard, survey, take a long, take in,
take stock of, vet, watch, whammy, winker

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