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proctor    音標拼音: [pr'ɑktɚ]
n. 代理人,代書,代訴人


n 1: someone who supervises (an examination) [synonym: {proctor},
v 1: watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent cheating)
[synonym: {invigilate}, {proctor}]

Proctor \Proc"tor\, v. t.
To act as a proctor toward; to manage as an attorney or
agent. --Bp. Warburton.
[1913 Webster]

Proctor \Proc"tor\, n. [OE. proketour, contr. fr. procurator.
See {Procurator}.]
One who is employed to manage to affairs of another.
(a) A person appointed to collect alms for those who could
not go out to beg for themselves, as lepers, the
bedridden, etc.; hence a beggar. [Obs.] --Nares.
(b) (Eng. Law) An officer employed in admiralty and
ecclesiastical causes. He answers to an attorney at
common law, or to a solicitor in equity. --Wharton.
(c) (Ch. of Eng.) A representative of the clergy in
(d) An officer in a university or college whose duty it is to
enforce obedience to the laws of the institution.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]

83 Moby Thesaurus words for "proctor":
Big Brother, MC, advocate, agent, amicus curiae,
apprentice teacher, attorney, attorney-at-law, auditor, bailiff,
barrister, barrister-at-law, boatswain, boss, butler, chief,
comptroller, controller, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law,
croupier, curator, custodian, deputy, emcee, factor, floor manager,
floorman, floorwalker, foreman, friend at court, gaffer, ganger,
graduate assistant, guardian, head, headman, housekeeper,
inspector, intercessor, intern, landreeve, lawyer, legal adviser,
legal counselor, legal expert, legal practitioner, legalist,
librarian, majordomo, master of ceremonies, monitor, mouthpiece,
noncommissioned officer, overman, overseer, paraprofessional,
pleader, practice teacher, praepostor, prefect, procurator,
pupil teacher, sea lawyer, self-styled lawyer, seneschal, sirdar,
slave driver, solicitor, steward, straw boss, student assistant,
subforeman, super, superintendent, supervisor, surveyor,
taskmaster, teaching assistant, teaching fellow, teaching intern,

PROCTOR. One appointed to represent in judgment the party who empowers him,
by writing under his hand called a proxy. The term is used chiefly in the
courts of civil and ecclesiastical law. The proctor is somewhat similar to
the attorney. Avl. Parerg. 421.

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