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pronounced    音標拼音: [prən'ɑʊnst]
a. 發出音的;講出來的;顯著的,明顯的


adj 1: strongly marked; easily noticeable; "walked with a marked
limp"; "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon" [synonym: {marked},

Pronounce \Pro*nounce"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pronounced}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Pronounging}.] [F. prononcer, L. pronunciare;
pro before, forth nunciare, nuntiare, to announce. See
[1913 Webster]
1. To utter articulately; to speak out or distinctly; to
utter, as words or syllables; to speak with the proper
sound and accent as, adults rarely learn to pronounce a
foreign language correctly.
[1913 Webster]

2. To utter officially or solemnly; to deliver, as a decree
or sentence; as, to pronounce sentence of death.
[1913 Webster]

Sternly he pronounced
The rigid interdiction. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. To speak or utter rhetorically; to deliver; to recite; as,
to pronounce an oration.
[1913 Webster]

Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to
you. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. To declare or affirm; as, he pronounced the book to be a
libel; he pronounced the act to be a fraud.
[1913 Webster]

The God who hallowed thee and blessed,
Pronouncing thee all good. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To deliver; utter; speak. See {Deliver}.
[1913 Webster]

Pronounced \Pro*nounced"\, a. [F. prononc['e].]
Strongly marked; unequivocal; decided.

Note: [A Gallicism]
[1913 Webster]

[His] views became every day more pronounced.
[1913 Webster]

129 Moby Thesaurus words for "pronounced":
absolute, affirmed, alleged, announced, arrant, articulated,
asserted, asseverated, assured, attested, averred, avouched,
avowed, blatant, bold, certified, classical, clean-cut, clear,
clear as crystal, clear-cut, complete, conspicuous, consummate,
crass, crystal-clear, decided, declared, defined, definite,
definitive, deposed, distinct, downright, egregious, enunciated,
evident, flagrant, glaring, gross, hanging out, identifiable,
in focus, in relief, in the foreground, intolerable, lingual,
linguistic, manifestoed, marked, notable, noticeable, notorious,
nuncupative, obtrusive, obvious, oral, ostensible, out-and-out,
outright, outstanding, parol, patent, perfect, plain, pledged,
positive, precious, predicated, professed, profound, prominent,
proper, rank, recognizable, regular, said, salient, shattering,
shocking, sounded, specific, speech, spoken, staring, stark,
stark-staring, stated, sticking out, striking, strong, superlative,
surpassing, sworn, sworn to, the veriest, thorough, thoroughgoing,
total, unalloyed, unambiguous, unbearable, unconscionable,
undeniable, undisguised, unequivocal, unmistakable, unmitigated,
unmixed, unqualified, unrelieved, unspoiled, unwritten, utter,
uttered, verbal, viva voce, vocal, vocalized, voiced, voiceful,
vouched, vouched for, vowed, warranted, well-defined, well-marked,
well-pronounced, well-resolved

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