e 音標拼音: ['i]
n . 字母
e 字母
e E n 1 :
a fat -
soluble vitamin that is essential for normal reproduction ;
an important antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the body [
synonym : {
vitamin E }, {
tocopherol },
E }]
2 :
a radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons [
synonym : {
einsteinium }, {
Es }, {
E },
atomic number 99 }]
3 :
the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees [
synonym :
east }, {
due east }, {
eastward }, {
E }]
4 :
the base of the natural system of logarithms ;
approximately equal to 2 .
718282 ...
5 :
the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet [
synonym : {
E }, {
e }]
Notopodium \
No `
to *
po "
di *
um \,
n .;
pl .
L . {
Notopodia }, {
E }.
Notopodiums }. [
NL .,
fr .
Gr .
nw ^
ton the back poy `
s ,
podo `
s ,
the foot .] (
Zool .)
The dorsal lobe or branch of a parapodium .
See {
Parapodium }.
1913 Webster ]
Medium \
Me "
di *
um \,
n .;
pl .
L . {
Media }, {
E }. {
Mediums }. [
L .
medium the middle ,
fr .
medius middle .
See {
Mid },
and cf .
Medius }.]
1 .
That which lies in the middle ,
or between other things ;
intervening body or quantity .
Hence ,
specifically :
a )
Middle place or degree ;
mean .
1913 Webster ]
The just medium . . .
lies between pride and abjection . --
L '
Estrange .
1913 Webster ]
b ) (
Math .)
See {
Mean }.
c ) (
Logic )
The mean or middle term of a syllogism ;
that by which the extremes are brought into connection .
1913 Webster ]
2 .
A substance through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another ;
as ,
air is the common medium of sound .
Hence :
The condition upon which any event or action occurs ;
necessary means of motion or action ;
that through or by which anything is accomplished ,
conveyed ,
or carried on ;
specifically ,
in animal magnetism ,
spiritualism ,
etc .,
a person through whom the action of another being is said to be manifested and transmitted .
1913 Webster ]
Whether any other liquors ,
being made mediums ,
cause a diversity of sound from water ,
it may be tried .
Bacon .
1913 Webster ]
I must bring together All these extremes ;
and must remove all mediums .
Denham .
1913 Webster ]
3 .
An average . [
R .]
1913 Webster ]
A medium of six years of war ,
and six years of peace . --
Burke .
1913 Webster ]
4 .
A trade name for printing and writing paper of certain sizes .
See {
Paper }.
1913 Webster ]
5 . (
Paint .)
The liquid vehicle with which dry colors are ground and prepared for application .
1913 Webster ]
6 . (
Microbiology )
A source of nutrients in which a microorganism is placed to permit its growth ,
cause it to produce substances ,
or observe its activity under defined conditions ;
also called {
culture medium }
or {
growth medium }.
The medium is usually a solution of nutrients in water ,
or a similar solution solidified with gelatin or agar .
7 .
A means of transmission of news ,
advertising ,
or other messages from an information source to the public ,
also called a {
news medium },
such as a newspaper or radio ;
used mostly in the plural form ,
i .
e . {
news media }
or {
media }.
See 1st {
media }[
2 ].
Circulating medium },
a current medium of exchange ,
whether coin ,
bank notes ,
or government notes .
Ethereal medium } (
Physics ),
the ether .
Medium of exchange },
that which is used for effecting an exchange of commodities --
money or current representatives of money .
1913 Webster ]
Amt \
Amt \,
n .;
pl . {
Amter }, {
E }. {
Amts }. [
Dan . &
Norw .,
fr .
G .]
An administrative territorial division in Denmark and Norway .
1913 Webster ]
Each of the provinces [
of Denmark ]
is divided into several amts ,
answering . . .
to the English hundreds .
Encyc .
Brit .
Webster 1913 Suppl .]
E - \
E -\
A Latin prefix meaning out ,
out of ,
from ;
also ,
without .
See {
Ex -}.
1913 Webster ]
E \
E \ ([=
e ]).
1 .
The fifth letter of the English alphabet .
Note :
It derives its form ,
name ,
and value from the Latin ,
the form and value being further derived from the Greek ,
into which it came from the Ph [
oe ]
nician ,
and ultimately ,
probably ,
from the Egyptian .
Its etymological relations are closest with the vowels i ,
a ,
and o ,
as illustrated by to fall ,
to fell ;
man ,
pl .
men ;
drink ,
drank ,
drench ;
dint ,
dent ;
doom ,
deem ;
goose ,
pl .
geese ;
beef ,
OF .
boef ,
L .
bos ;
and E .
cheer ,
OF .
chiere ,
LL .
cara .
1913 Webster ]
Note :
The letter e has in English several vowel sounds ,
the two principal being its long or name sound ,
as in eve ,
me ,
and the short ,
as in end ,
best .
Usually at the end of words it is silent ,
but serves to indicate that the preceding vowel has its long sound ,
where otherwise it would be short ,
as in m [=
a ]
ne ,
c [=
a ]
ne ,
m [=
e ]
te ,
which without the final e would be pronounced m [
a ^]
n ,
c [
a ^]
n ,
m [
e ^]
t .
After c and g ,
the final e indicates that these letters are to be pronounced as s and j ;
respectively ,
as in lace ,
rage .
See Guide to Pronunciation ,
sect ][
sect ]
74 -
97 .
1913 Webster ]
2 . (
Mus .)
E is the third tone of the model diatonic scale .
E [
flat ] (
E flat )
is a tone which is intermediate between D and E .
1913 Webster ]