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awesome    音標拼音: ['ɑsəm] ['ɔsəm]
a. 引起敬畏的,可怕的


adj 1: inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an
amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring
sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this
sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some
hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing
majesty, so vast, so high, so silent" [synonym: {amazing},
{awe-inspiring}, {awesome}, {awful}, {awing}]

Awesome \Awe"some\, a.
1. Causing awe; appalling; awful; as, an awesome sight.
[1913 Webster]

2. Expressive of awe or terror.
[1913 Webster]

An awesome glance up at the auld castle. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

143 Moby Thesaurus words for "awesome":
Gargantuan, affecting, aggrandized, alarming, amazing,
amplitudinous, apotheosized, appalling, astonishing, astounding,
astronomical, august, awe-inspiring, awful, awing, beatified, big,
bizarre, boundless, breathtaking, bulky, canonized, colossal,
cosmic, daunting, deified, dire, direful, divine, dread, dreaded,
dreadful, eerie, elevated, eminent, ennobled, enormous, enshrined,
enthroned, estimable, exalted, excellent, extensive, fearful,
fearsome, fell, formidable, frightening, galactic, ghastly,
ghoulish, gigantic, glorified, grand, great, grim, grisly,
gruesome, heavenly, held in awe, hideous, high, high and mighty,
holy, honorable, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific,
horrifying, huge, immeasurable, immense, immortal, immortalized,
imposing, incredible, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible,
infinite, inviolable, inviolate, king-size, large, lofty, macabre,
magnified, mammoth, massive, massy, mighty, monster, monstrous,
monumental, morbid, mountainous, moving, mysterious, numinous,
outsize, overgrown, overwhelming, prodigious, redoubtable,
religious, reverend, sacred, sacrosanct, sainted, sanctified,
schrecklich, shocking, shrined, sizable, spacious, spiritual,
stirring, stunning, stupefying, stupendous, sublime, supereminent,
terrible, terrific, terrifying, throned, time-honored, titanic,
tremendous, unbelievable, uncanny, unspeakable, untouchable,
unutterable, vast, venerable, voluminous, weighty, weird,
wonderful, wondrous, worshipful

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