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circumvent    音標拼音: [s,ɚkəmv'ɛnt]
vt. 繞行,陷害,包圍,智取


v 1: surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged
Vienna" [synonym: {besiege}, {beleaguer}, {surround}, {hem in},
2: beat through cleverness and wit; "I beat the traffic"; "She
outfoxed her competitors" [synonym: {outwit}, {overreach},
{outsmart}, {outfox}, {beat}, {circumvent}]
3: avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing
(duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she
skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their
responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully" [synonym:
{hedge}, {fudge}, {evade}, {put off}, {circumvent}, {parry},
{elude}, {skirt}, {dodge}, {duck}, {sidestep}]

Circumvent \Cir`cum*vent"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Circumvented};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Circumventing}.] [L. circumventis, p. p. of
circumvenire, to come around, encompass, deceive; circum
venire to come, akin to E. come.]
To gain advantage over by arts, stratagem, or deception; to
decieve; to delude; to get around.
[1913 Webster]

I circumvented whom I could not gain. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

137 Moby Thesaurus words for "circumvent":
avoid, baffle, balk, bamboozle, beat, befool, beg, beguile, betray,
bilk, blast, bluff, brave, burke, bypass, cajole, challenge,
cheat on, checkmate, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate,
circumambulate, circummigrate, circumnavigate, close the circle,
come full circle, compass, confound, confront, conjure, contravene,
counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, cross, cycle, dash,
deceive, defeat, defy, delude, describe a circle, destroy, detour,
diddle, disappoint, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish,
disrupt, ditch, double, double-cross, dupe, elude, encircle,
encompass, escape, evade, flank, flummox, foil, forestall,
frustrate, gammon, get around, get away from, get out of,
get round, girdle, girdle the globe, give the runaround,
give the slip, go about, go around, go one better, go round,
go the round, gull, gyre, hoax, hocus-pocus, hoodwink, hornswaggle,
humbug, juggle, knock the chocks, lap, let down, make a circuit,
mock, nonplus, orbit, outfigure, outflank, outgeneral, outguess,
outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach,
pass the buck, perplex, pigeon, play one false, put something over,
revolve, round, ruin, sabotage, scotch, shake, shake off,
shuffle out of, sidestep, skirt, snow, spike, spiral, spoil,
stonewall, string along, stump, surround, take in, thwart, trick,
two-time, upset, victimize, wheel

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