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conjugate    音標拼音: [k,ɑndʒəg'et] [k'ɑndʒəg,et]
vt. 結合,配合,使成對
vi. 成婚,配對
a. 結合的,成對的,同根的
n. 同根詞


adj 1: joined together especially in a pair or pairs [synonym:
{conjugate}, {conjugated}, {coupled}]
2: (of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets
3: formed by the union of two compounds; "a conjugated protein"
[synonym: {conjugate}, {conjugated}]
4: of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds
each separated from the other by a single bond [synonym:
{conjugate}, {conjugated}]
n 1: a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B
produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another
of B in A [synonym: {conjugate solution}, {conjugate}]
v 1: unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down
into the original compounds
2: add inflections showing person, number, gender, tense,
aspect, etc.; "conjugate the verb"
3: undergo conjugation

Conjugate \Con"ju*gate\, a. [L. conjugatus, p. p. or conjugare
to unite; con- jugare to join, yoke, marry, jugum yoke;
akin to jungere to join. See {Join}.]
1. United in pairs; yoked together; coupled.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) In single pairs; coupled.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Chem.) Containing two or more compounds or radicals
supposed to act the part of a single one. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

4. (Gram.) Agreeing in derivation and radical signification;
-- said of words.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Math.) Presenting themselves simultaneously and having
reciprocal properties; -- frequently used in pure and
applied mathematics with reference to two quantities,
points, lines, axes, curves, etc.
[1913 Webster]

{Conjugate axis of a hyperbola} (Math.), the line through the
center of the curve, perpendicular to the line through the
two foci.

{Conjugate diameters} (Conic Sections), two diameters of an
ellipse or hyperbola such that each bisects all chords
drawn parallel to the other.

{Conjugate focus} (Opt.) See under {Focus}.

{Conjugate mirrors} (Optics), two mirrors so placed that rays
from the focus of one are received at the focus of the
other, especially two concave mirrors so placed that rays
proceeding from the principal focus of one and reflected
in a parallel beam are received upon the other and brought
to the principal focus.

{Conjugate point} (Geom.), an acnode. See {Acnode}, and
{Double point}.

{Self-conjugate triangle} (Conic Sections), a triangle each
of whose vertices is the pole of the opposite side with
reference to a conic.
[1913 Webster]

Conjugate \Con`ju*gate\, n. [L. conjugatum a combining,
etymological relationship.]
1. A word agreeing in derivation with another word, and
therefore generally resembling it in signification.
[1913 Webster]

We have learned, in logic, that conjugates are
sometimes in name only, and not in deed. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) A complex compound formed from the non-covalent
union of two other comounds, behaving as a single
compound. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Conjugate \Con"ju*gate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conjugated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Conjugating}.]
1. To unite in marriage; to join. [Obs.] --Sir H. Wotton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Gram.) To inflect (a verb), or give in order the forms
which it assumes in its several voices, moods, tenses,
numbers, and persons.
[1913 Webster]

Conjugate \Con"ju*gate\, v. i. (Biol.)
To unite in a kind of sexual union, as two or more cells or
individuals among the more simple plants and animals.
[1913 Webster]

150 Moby Thesaurus words for "conjugate":
accouple, accumulate, affiliate, affiliated, agglutinate, allied,
amalgamated, amass, analyze, articulate, assemble, assimilated,
associate, associated, band, biconjugate, bigeminate, bijugate,
blended, bond, bound, bracket, bracketed, bridge, bridge over,
cement, chain, clap together, coalesce, coincident, collateral,
collect, combinative, combinatory, combine, combined, compact,
comprehensive, comprise, concatenate, concurrent, conglobulate,
conjoin, conjoint, conjugated, conjunct, conjunctive, connect,
connected, connective, consolidated, copulate, corporate,
correlated, couple, couple up, coupled, cover, decline, derivative,
double-harness, double-team, echoic, eclectic, embrace, encompass,
etymologic, fused, gather, glue, hyphenate, implicated, include,
inclusive, incorporated, inflect, integrated, interlinked,
interlocked, interrelated, involved, join, joined, joint, knot,
knotted, lay together, league, lexical, lexicographic, lexicologic,
lexigraphic, link, linked, lump together, mark, marry, marshal,
mass, match, matched, mate, mated, merge, merged, mixed, mobilize,
of that ilk, of that kind, one, onomastic, onomatologic,
onomatopoeic, pair, pair off, paired, parallel, parenthesize,
paronymic, paronymous, parse, piece together, point, punctuate,
put together, related, roll into one, solder, span, splice,
spliced, stick together, syncretistic, syncretized, synthesized,
take in, tape, team, team up, tie, tied, twinned, unify, unite,
united, wed, wedded, weld, yoke, yoked

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