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injustice    音標拼音: [ɪndʒ'ʌstɪs]
n. 不公平,不講道義


n 1: an unjust act [synonym: {injustice}, {unfairness}, {iniquity},
2: the practice of being unjust or unfair [synonym: {injustice},
{unjustness}] [ant: {justice}, {justness}]

Injustice \In*jus"tice\, n. [F. injustice, L. injustitia. See
{In-} not, and {Justice}, and cf. {Unjust}.]
1. Lack of justice and equity; violation of the rights of
another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness;
[1913 Webster]

If this people [the Athenians] resembled Nero in
their extravagance, much more did they resemble and
even exceed him in cruelty and injustice. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

2. An unjust act or deed; a sin; a crime; a wrong.
[1913 Webster]

Cunning men can be guilty of a thousand injustices
without being discovered, or at least without being
punished. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

124 Moby Thesaurus words for "injustice":
abstractionism, asymmetry, atrocity, bias, bigotry, breach,
coloring, contrariety, crime, crime against humanity, damage,
deadly sin, deformation, delinquency, dereliction, difference,
discrimination, disequilibrium, disparity, disproportion,
disservice, distortion, enormity, error, evil, exaggeration,
expressionism, failure, false coloring, falsification, fault,
favoritism, felony, garbling, genocide, great wrong, grievance,
gross injustice, guilty act, harm, heavy sin, heterogeneity, hurt,
hyperbole, imbalance, imposition, impropriety, inaccuracy,
inadequacy, indiscretion, inequality, inequitableness, inequity,
inexpiable sin, infraction, infringement, iniquity, injury,
insufficiency, irregularity, lapse, litotes, malefaction,
malfeasance, malpractice, malum, minor wrong,
miscarriage of justice, mischief, miscoloring, misdeed,
misdemeanor, misdrawing, misfeasance, mispainting, misquotation,
misreport, misrepresentation, misstatement, misteaching,
mortal sin, nonfeasance, nonrealism, nonuniformity, odds, offense,
omission, one-sidedness, outrage, overbalance, overdrawing,
overstatement, partiality, partisanship, peccadillo, peccancy,
perversion, prejudice, raw deal, ruin, shortcoming, sin,
sin of commission, sin of omission, sinful act, slanting, slip,
tort, transgression, trespass, trip, twisting, unbalance,
understatement, unevenness, unfair discrimination, unfairness,
unjustness, unutterable sin, venial sin, villainy, violation,
wrong, wrongdoing

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