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peaceful    音標拼音: [p'isfəl]
a. 和平的,愛好和平的;安靜的,平靜的


adj 1: not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war; "a peaceful
nation"; "peaceful times"; "a far from peaceful
Christmas"; "peaceful sleep" [synonym: {peaceful},
{peaceable}] [ant: {unpeaceful}]
2: peacefully resistant in response to injustice; "passive
resistance" [synonym: {passive}, {peaceful}]

Peaceful \Peace"ful\, a.
1. Possessing or enjoying peace; not disturbed by war,
tumult, agitation, anxiety, or commotion; quiet; tranquil;
as, a peaceful time; a peaceful country; a peaceful end.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not disposed or tending to war, tumult or agitation;
pacific; mild; calm; peaceable; as, peaceful words.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See {Peaceable}.
[1913 Webster] --{Peace"ful*ly}, adv.. --
{Peace"ful*ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]

127 Moby Thesaurus words for "peaceful":
accordant, agreeable, agreeing, akin, amicable, at one, at peace,
at rest, attuned, bland, bloodless, calm, cheerful, cloistered,
collected, comfortable, comfy, commodious, compatible, composed,
concordant, congenial, constant, contented, convenient, cool,
coolheaded, corresponding, cozy, cushioned, cushiony, cushy,
dwindling, easeful, easy, ebbing, empathetic, empathic, en rapport,
equable, even-tenored, frictionless, friendly, gentle, halcyon,
harmonious, homelike, homely, homey, homish, hushed, idyllic,
impassive, in accord, in concert, in rapport, in tune, inharmony,
intimate, irenic, isolated, judicious, like-minded, lived-in,
luxurious, mild, mild as milk, moderate, moldering, nonviolent,
of one mind, orderly, pacific, pacificatory, pacifist, pacifistic,
pastoral, peaceable, peacetime, philosophical, piping, placid,
plain, prudent, quiescent, quiet, relaxing, reposeful, reposing,
restful, resting, roomy, secluded, sequestered, sequestrated,
serene, sheltered, simple, smooth, snug, sober, soft, steady,
still, still as death, stillish, stilly, stoic, stolid, subsiding,
sympathetic, tame, temperate, together, tranquil, unagitated,
understanding, undisturbed, united, unmoved, unperturbed,
unpretending, unruffled, unstirring, untroubled, waning, warm

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