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reprimand    音標拼音: [r'ɛprəm,ænd]
n. 譴責,懲戒,非難
vt. 譴責,懲戒,嚴責


n 1: an act or expression of criticism and censure; "he had to
take the rebuke with a smile on his face" [synonym: {rebuke},
{reproof}, {reproval}, {reprehension}, {reprimand}]
v 1: rebuke formally [synonym: {reprimand}, {censure}, {criminate}]
2: censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child
for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime
Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing
cold soup" [synonym: {call on the carpet}, {take to task},
{rebuke}, {rag}, {trounce}, {reproof}, {lecture},
{reprimand}, {jaw}, {dress down}, {call down}, {scold},
{chide}, {berate}, {bawl out}, {remonstrate}, {chew out},
{chew up}, {have words}, {lambaste}, {lambast}]

Reprimand \Rep"ri*mand\ (r?p"r?-m?nd), n. [F. r['e]primande, fr.
L. reprimendus, reprimenda, that is to be checked or
suppressed, fr. reprimere to check, repress; pref. re- re
premere to press. See {Press}, and cf. {Repress}.]
Severe or formal reproof; reprehension, private or public.
[1913 Webster]

Goldsmith gave his landlady a sharp reprimand for her
treatment of him. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

Reprimand \Rep"ri*mand\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reprimanded}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Reprimanding}.] [Cf. F. r['e]primander. See
{Reprimand}, n.]
1. To reprove severely; to reprehend; to chide for a fault;
to consure formally.
[1913 Webster]

Germanicus was severely reprimanded by Tiberius for
traveling into Egypt without his permission.
[1913 Webster]

2. To reprove publicly and officially, in execution of a
sentence; as, the court ordered him to be reprimanded.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To reprove; reprehend; chide; rebuke; censure; blame.
See {Reprove}.
[1913 Webster]

111 Moby Thesaurus words for "reprimand":
admonish, admonishment, admonition, aspersion, attack, attaint,
badge of infamy, bar sinister, baton, bawl out, bend sinister,
berate, bespatter, black eye, black mark, blacken, blot, blow upon,
blur, brand, bring to book, broad arrow, call down,
call to account, carpet, castigate, castigation, censure, champain,
chastise, chastisement, chew out, chide, chiding, correct,
correction, criticism, criticize, defame, defile, disapproval,
disapprove, disparage, disparagement, dress down, dressing-down,
expose, expose to infamy, gibbet, give a dressing-down,
hang in effigy, have words with, imputation, lecture, lesson,
mark of Cain, objurgate, objurgation, onus, pillory, pillorying,
point champain, rap, rate, rating, rebuke, reflection,
remonstrance, remonstration, reprehend, reprehension, reproach,
reprobation, reproof, reproval, reprove, scold, scolding, sermon,
set down, set straight, skin alive, slate, slur, smear, smirch,
smudge, smutch, soil, spank, spanking, spot, stain, stigma,
stigmatism, stigmatization, stigmatize, straighten out, sully,
taint, take down, take to task, talking-to, tarnish, tell off,
tick off, tongue-lashing, upbraid, upbraiding, vilify, wig

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