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seasonal    音標拼音: [s'izənəl]
a. 季節的,依照季節的,周期性的




adj 1: occurring at or dependent on a particular season;
"seasonal labor"; "a seasonal rise in unemployment" [ant:
{year-around}, {year-round}]
n 1: a worker who finds employment only in certain seasons [synonym:
{seasonal worker}, {seasonal}]

Seasonal \Sea"son*al\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to the seasons.
[1913 Webster]

2. Occurring or being used in a specific season; as, seasonal
items for sale.
[1913 Webster]

{Seasonal dimorphism} (Zool.), the condition of having two
distinct varieties which appear at different seasons, as
certain species of butterflies in which the spring brood
differs from the summer or autumnal brood.
[1913 Webster]

Cyclic \Cyc"lic\ (s?k"l?k or s?"kl?k), Cyclical \Cyc"lic*al\
(s?k"l?-kal), a. [Cf. F. cycluque, Gr. kykliko`s, fr. ky`klos
See {Cycle}.]
1. Of or pertaining to a cycle or circle; moving in cycles;
as, cyclical time. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chemistry) Having atoms bonded to form a ring structure.
Opposite of {acyclic}.

Note: Used most commonly in respect to organic compounds.

Note: [Narrower terms: {bicyclic}; {heterocyclic};
{homocyclic, isocyclic}]

Syn: closed-chain, closed-ring.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Recurring in cycles[2]; having a pattern that repeats at
approximately equal intervals; periodic. Opposite of

Note: [Narrower terms: {alternate(prenominal),
alternating(prenominal)}; {alternate(prenominal), every
other(prenominal), every second(prenominal)};
{alternating(prenominal), oscillating(prenominal)};
{biyearly}; {circadian exhibiting 24-hour
periodicity)}; {circular}; {daily, diurnal};
{fortnightly, biweekly}; {hourly}; {midweek,
midweekly}; {seasonal}; {semestral, semestrial};
{semiannual, biannual, biyearly}; {semiweekly,
biweekly}; {weekly}; {annual, yearly}; {biennial};
{bimonthly, bimestrial}; {half-hourly}; {half-yearly};
{monthly}; {tertian, alternate(prenominal)};
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Marked by repeated cycles[2].
[WordNet 1.5]

{Cyclic chorus}, the chorus which performed the songs and
dances of the dithyrambic odes at Athens, dancing round
the altar of Bacchus in a circle.

{Cyclic poets}, certain epic poets who followed Homer, and
wrote merely on the Trojan war and its heroes; -- so
called because keeping within the circle of a single
subject. Also, any series or coterie of poets writing on
one subject. --Milman.
[1913 Webster]

50 Moby Thesaurus words for "seasonal":
aestival, alternate, arctic, autumn, autumnal, beating, boreal,
brumal, canicular, circling, cyclic, epochal, equinoctial, even,
every other, hibernal, hiemal, intermittent, isochronal, measured,
metronomic, midsummer, midwinter, oscillatory, out of season,
periodical, pulsing, reciprocal, recurrent, recurring, rhythmic,
rotary, serial, solstitial, spring, springlike, steady, summer,
summerlike, summerly, summery, undulant, undulatory, vernal,
wavelike, wheeling, winter, winterlike, wintery, wintry

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