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sneaking    音標拼音: [sn'ikɪŋ]
a. 偷偷逃走的,不爭氣的,卑鄙的


adj 1: not openly expressed; "a sneaking suspicion" [synonym:
{sneaking(a)}, {unavowed}]

Sneak \Sneak\ (sn[=e]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sneaked}
(sn[=e]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Sneaking}.] [OE. sniken, AS.
sn[imac]can to creep; akin to Dan. snige sig; cf. Icel.
sn[imac]kja to hanker after.]
1. To creep or steal (away or about) privately; to come or go
meanly, as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen; as, to
sneak away from company.
[1913 Webster]

You skulked behind the fence, and sneaked away.
[1913 Webster]

2. To act in a stealthy and cowardly manner; to behave with
meanness and servility; to crouch.
[1913 Webster]

Sneaking \Sneak"ing\, a.
Marked by cowardly concealment; deficient in openness and
courage; underhand; mean; crouching. -- {Sneak"ing*ly}, adv.
-- {Sneak"ing*ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]

85 Moby Thesaurus words for "sneaking":
all fours, back-door, backstairs, clandestine, covert, cowering,
crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, cringing, deep-rooted,
deep-seated, devious, doggo, duplicitous, feline, furtive,
guileful, gumshoeing, gut, hidden, hidden out, hidlings,
hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, in ambush, in hiding, in the wings,
indirect, inherent, innate, intuitive, lingering, lurking, nagging,
niggling, nightwalking, on tiptoe, padding, persistent, private,
privy, prowling, pussyfoot, pussyfooted, pussyfooting, quailing,
quiet, scrabble, scramble, secret, shifty, sidling, skulking,
slinking, slinky, sly, snaking, sneaky, stealing, stealthy,
suppressed, surreptitious, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, undeclared,
under cover, under-the-counter, under-the-table, undercover,
underground, underhand, underhanded, undisclosed, undivulged,
unexpressed, unobtrusive, unrevealed, unvoiced, waiting concealed,
worming, worrisome, worrying

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