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worthy    音標拼音: [w'ɚði]
n. 杰出人物,有價值的人,家伙
a. 有價值的,可敬的,值得的,相稱的


adj 1: having worth or merit or value; being honorable or
admirable; "a worthy fellow"; "a worthy cause" [ant:
2: worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse; "the parents
found the girl suitable for their son" [synonym: {desirable},
{suitable}, {worthy}]
3: having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some
way; "behavior worthy of reprobation"; "a fact worthy of
n 1: an important, honorable person (word is often used
humorously); "he told his story to some conservative
worthies"; "local worthies rarely challenged the chief

Worthy \Wor"thy\, v. t.
To render worthy; to exalt into a hero. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Worthy \Wor"thy\, a. [Compar. {Worthier}; superl. {Worthiest.}]
[OE. worthi, wur[thorn]i, from worth, wur[thorn], n.; cf.
Icel. ver[eth]ugr, D. waardig, G. w["u]rdig, OHG.
wird[imac]g. See {Worth}, n.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Having worth or excellence; possessing merit; valuable;
deserving; estimable; excellent; virtuous.
[1913 Webster]

Full worthy was he in his lordes war. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

These banished men that I have kept withal
Are men endued with worthy qualities. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Happier thou mayst be, worthier canst not be.
[1913 Webster]

This worthy mind should worthy things embrace. --Sir
J. Davies.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having suitable, adapted, or equivalent qualities or
value; -- usually with of before the thing compared or the
object; more rarely, with a following infinitive instead
of of, or with that; as, worthy of, equal in excellence,
value, or dignity to; entitled to; meriting; -- usually in
a good sense, but sometimes in a bad one.
[1913 Webster]

No, Warwick, thou art worthy of the sway. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The merciless Macdonwald,
Worthy to be a rebel. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. --Matt. iii.
[1913 Webster]

And thou art worthy that thou shouldst not know
More happiness. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

The lodging is well worthy of the guest. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. Of high station; of high social position. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Worthy women of the town. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

{Worthiest of blood} (Eng. Law of Descent), most worthy of
those of the same blood to succeed or inherit; -- applied
to males, and expressive of the preference given them over
females. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]

Worthy \Wor"thy\, n.; pl. {Worthies}.
A man of eminent worth or value; one distinguished for useful
and estimable qualities; a person of conspicuous desert; --
much used in the plural; as, the worthies of the church;
political worthies; military worthies.
[1913 Webster]

The blood of ancient worthies in his veins. --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

237 Moby Thesaurus words for "worthy":
Christian, Establishment, VIP, able, acceptable, acceptable person,
admirable, admissible, aristocratic, au fait, august, baron,
beyond all praise, beyond price, big gun, big man, big name,
bigwig, blameless, brass, brass hat, capable, capital fellow,
celebrity, clean, commendable, competent, constellation, courtly,
creditable, cynosure, dear, decent, deserved, deserving, desirable,
diamond, dignified, dignitary, dignity, divine, earned, efficient,
elder, eligible, enfranchised, entitled, equal to, erect, esteemed,
estimable, ethical, exemplary, fair, father, figure, fit, fitted,
fitted for, folk hero, full of integrity, galaxy, gem, gentleman,
golden, good, good as gold, good fellow, good lot, good man,
good person, good sort, good woman, grand, grave, great man,
held in esteem, hero, heroine, high-minded, high-principled,
highly esteemed, highly regarded, highly reputed,
highly respectable, honest, honest man, honorable, honored, idol,
immaculate, immortal, important person, imposing, in favor,
in good odor, in high favor, inestimable, interests, invaluable,
inviolate, irreproachable, jewel, journeyman, just, justified,
kingly, lady, laudable, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering,
lion, lordly, lords of creation, luminaries, luminary, magisterial,
magnate, majestic, man of mark, manly, master spirit, mensch,
merited, meritorious, model, mogul, moral, nabob, name, noble,
notability, notable, of great price, panjandrum, pearl,
perfect gentleman, perfect lady, person of note, person of renown,
persona grata, personage, personality, pillar of society, pleasing,
pleiad, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, power, power elite,
praiseworthy, precious, prestigious, priceless, prince, princely,
principled, public figure, pure, qualified, queenly, real man,
regal, reputable, respectable, respected, revered, reverend, rich,
right, right sort, right-minded, righteous, rough diamond, royal,
ruling circle, sachem, satisfying, sedate, sober, social lion,
solemn, somebody, something, spotless, stainless, star, stately,
statuesque, sterling, suitable, suited, superstar, the great,
the top, top brass, top people, true-dealing, true-devoted,
true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, tycoon,
unblemished, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unexceptionable,
unimpeachable, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untarnished, up to,
up to snuff, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, valuable, venerable,
venerated, very important person, virtuous, warranted,
well-deserving, well-earned, well-fitted, well-qualified,
well-suited, well-thought-of, with voice, with vote, worshipful,

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