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inane    音標拼音: [ɪn'en]
a. 空虛的,愚蠢的,空洞的
n. 空洞無物


adj 1: devoid of intelligence [synonym: {asinine}, {fatuous},
{inane}, {mindless}, {vacuous}]

Inane \In*ane"\, a. [L. inanis.]
Without contents; empty; void of sense or intelligence;
purposeless; pointless; characterless; useless. "Vague and
inane instincts." --I. Taylor. -- {In*ane"ly}, adv.
[1913 Webster]

Inane \In*ane"\, n.
That which is void or empty. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

The undistinguishable inane of infinite space. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

254 Moby Thesaurus words for "inane":
absurd, aimless, airy, apish, arid, asinine, awkward, bare, barren,
batty, befooled, beguiled, besotted, blah, bland, blank,
blankminded, bleached, bloodless, bonkers, bootless, brainless,
buffoonish, callow, calm, catchpenny, characterless, clear,
cockeyed, cold, colorless, counterproductive, crazy, credulous,
cuckoo, daffy, daft, dazed, dead, designless, devoid, dilute,
diluted, dippy, doting, dotty, draggy, drearisome, dreary,
driveling, dry, dryasdust, dull, dumb, dusty, effete, elephantine,
empty, empty-headed, empty-minded, empty-pated, empty-skulled,
etiolated, fade, fatuitous, fatuous, featureless, feckless, flaky,
flat, flavorless, flimsy, fond, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fribble,
fribbling, frivolous, frothy, fruitless, fuddled, futile, gaga,
garbled, gauche, goofy, green, groping, gruelly, gulled, heavy,
ho-hum, hollow, idiotic, idle, ignorant, imbecile, imbecilic,
importless, inadequate, incogitant, indifferent, ineffective,
ineffectual, inefficacious, inept, inexcitable, inexperienced,
infatuated, innocent, innocuous, inoperative, insane,
insignificant, insipid, invalid, jejune, know-nothing, kooky,
laughable, leaden, lifeless, light, loony, low-spirited, ludicrous,
lunatic, mad, maudlin, meaningless, mild, milk-and-water, moronic,
naive, namby-pamby, nescient, nirvanic, nonconnotative,
nondenotative, nonsensical, nugacious, nugatory, null,
null and void, nuts, nutty, oblivious, of no force, otiose, pale,
pallid, pappy, passive, pedestrian, phatic, plodding, pointless,
poky, ponderous, preposterous, pulpy, purportless, purposeless,
quietistic, rattlebrained, rattleheaded, raw, relaxed, ridiculous,
risible, sapless, sappy, savorless, scatterbrained, scrambled,
screwy, senseless, sentimental, shallow, silly, simple, slender,
slight, slow, solemn, spiceless, spiritless, stale, sterile, stiff,
stodgy, strange to, stuffy, stupid, superficial, tasteless,
tedious, tentative, thin, thoughtfree, thoughtless, tranquil,
trifling, trite, trivial, unacquainted, unapprized, unavailing,
uncomprehending, unconversant, unenlightened, unfamiliar,
unflavored, unideaed, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated,
unintellectual, unintelligent, unknowing, unlively, unmeaning,
unoccupied, unposted, unreasonable, unreasoning, unrelieved,
unripe, unsavory, unsignificant, unsure, unthinking, unversed,
useless, vacant, vacuous, vain, vapid, void, wacky, washy, watered,
watered-down, watery, weak, wet, white, windy, wishy-washy,
with nothing inside, without content, witless, wooden

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