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repeating    音標拼音: [rɪp'itɪŋ] [rip'itɪŋ]
a. 反復的,重復的,循環的


重複 中繼

n 1: the act of doing or performing again [synonym: {repetition},

Repeat \Re*peat"\ (-p?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repeated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Repeating}.] [F. r['e]p['e]ter, L. repetere;
pref. re- re- petere to fall upon, attack. See {Petition}.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To go over again; to attempt, do, make, or utter again; to
iterate; to recite; as, to repeat an effort, an order, or
a poem. "I will repeat our former communication."
--Robynson (More's Utopia).
[1913 Webster]

Not well conceived of God; who, though his power
Creation could repeat, yet would be loth
Us to abolish. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To make trial of again; to undergo or encounter again.
[Obs.] --Waller.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Scots Law) To repay or refund (an excess received).
[1913 Webster]

{To repeat one's self}, to do or say what one has already
done or said.

{To repeat signals}, to make the same signals again;
specifically, to communicate, by repeating them, the
signals shown at headquarters.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To reiterate; iterate; renew; recite; relate; rehearse;
recapitulate. See {Reiterate}.
[1913 Webster]

Repeating \Re*peat"ing\, a.
Doing the same thing over again; accomplishing a given result
many times in succession; as, a repeating firearm; a
repeating watch.
[1913 Webster]

{Repeating circle}. See the Note under {Circle}, n., 3.

{Repeating decimal} (Arith.), a circulating decimal. See
under {Decimal}.

{Repeating firearm}, a firearm that may be discharged many
times in quick succession; especially:
(a) A form of firearm so constructed that by the action of
the mechanism the charges are successively introduced
from a chamber containing them into the breech of the
barrel, and fired.
(b) A form in which the charges are held in, and discharged
from, a revolving chamber at the breech of the barrel.
See {Revolver}, and {Magazine gun}, under {Magazine}.

{Repeating instruments} (Astron. & Surv.), instruments for
observing angles, as a circle, theodolite, etc., so
constructed that the angle may be measured several times
in succession, and different, but successive and
contiguous, portions of the graduated limb, before reading
off the aggregate result, which aggregate, divided by the
number of measurements, gives the angle, freed in a
measure from errors of eccentricity and graduation.

{Repeating watch}. See {Repeater}
[1913 Webster]

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