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recapitulate    音標拼音: [r,ikəp'ɪtʃəl,et]
vi. 重述要點,概括,摘要


v 1: summarize briefly; "Let's recapitulate the main ideas"
[synonym: {recapitulate}, {recap}]
2: repeat stages of evolutionary development during the
embryonic phase of life
3: repeat an earlier theme of a composition [synonym: {reprise},
{reprize}, {repeat}, {recapitulate}]

Recapitulate \Re*ca*pit"u*late\
(r[=e]`k[.a]*p[i^]t"[-u]*l[=a]t), v. t. [L. recapitulare,
recapitulatum; pref. re- re- capitulum a small head,
chapter, section. See {Capitulate}.]
To repeat, as the principal points in a discourse, argument,
or essay; to give a summary of the principal facts, points,
or arguments of; to relate in brief; to summarize.
[1913 Webster]

Recapitulate \Re`ca*pit"u*late\
(r[=e]`k[.a]*p[i^]t"[-u]*l[=a]t), v. i.
To sum up, or enumerate by heads or topics, what has been
previously said; to repeat briefly the substance.
[1913 Webster]

91 Moby Thesaurus words for "recapitulate":
abbreviate, abridge, abstract, add up, battologize, bob, boil down,
capsulize, cast up, cipher up, clip, compress, condense, contract,
count up, crop, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short,
cut short, detail, dock, elide, enumerate, epitomize, figure up,
fill, foot up, foreshorten, give an encore, go over, go through,
inventory, itemize, iterate, list, mow, nip, pad, poll, pollard,
practice, prune, reaffirm, reap, reassert, recap, recite,
reckon up, recount, reduce, rehash, rehearse, reissue, reiterate,
relate, repeat, reprint, restate, resume, retail, retell, retrench,
review, reword, run over, say over, say over again, score up,
shave, shear, shorten, snub, stunt, sum, sum up, summarize,
summate, synopsize, take in, tally up, tautologize, telescope,
tot up, total, total up, tote up, trim, truncate

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