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serial    音標拼音: [s'ɪriəl]
n. 序列,連載小說
a. 連續的,一連串的,連載的,分期償還的




串行的;連續的;串連的 SER

串-並-串( 行 ) SPS



adj 1: in regular succession without gaps; "serial concerts"
[synonym: {consecutive}, {sequent}, {sequential}, {serial},
2: pertaining to or composed in serial technique; "serial music"
3: pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series; "serial
monogamy"; "serial killing"; "a serial killer"; "serial
4: of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple
operations; "serial processing" [synonym: {serial}, {in
series(p)}, {nonparallel}]
n 1: a serialized set of programs; "a comedy series"; "the
Masterworks concert series" [synonym: {serial}, {series}]
2: a periodical that appears at scheduled times [synonym: {series},
{serial}, {serial publication}]

Serial \Se"ri*al\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series;
appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial
work or publication. "Classification . . . may be more or
less serial." --H. Spencer.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Of or pertaining to rows. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

{Serial homology}. (Biol.) See under {Homology}.

{Serial symmetry}. (Biol.) See under {Symmetry}.
[1913 Webster]

Serial \Se"ri*al\, n.
A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a
tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a
[1913 Webster]

nonparallel \nonparallel\ adj.
1. not parallel; -- of lines or linear objects. Opposite of
{parallel}. [Narrower terms: {bias, catacorner,
cata-cornered, catercorner, cater-cornered, catty-corner,
catty-cornered, diagonal, kitty-corner, kitty-cornered,
oblique, skew, skewed, slanted ; {crossed, decussate,
intersectant, intersecting}; {cross-grained ; {diagonal};
{orthogonal, orthographic, rectangular, right-angled ;
{right, perpendicular}; {angled ; {convergent}] Also See:
{convergent}, {divergent}, {diverging}.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Computers) Not using parallel processing; -- of
computers. [Narrower terms: {serial}] PJC]

231 Moby Thesaurus words for "serial":
Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, alternate, annual,
antimasque, article, audience success, ballet, beating,
best seller, bimonthly, biweekly, bomb, book, bound book,
broadcast, broadcast drama, burlesque show, canned show, catenary,
chapter, charade, circling, classic, clause, cliff hanger,
closet drama, coloring book, column, comedy drama, commercial,
commercial program, connected, consecutive, consistent, continuous,
critical success, cyclic, daily, daybook, daytime serial,
definitive work, dialogue, diary, documentary drama, drama,
dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue,
editorial, electrical transcription, ephemeris, epic theater,
epochal, even, every other, experimental theater, extravaganza,
failure, fascicle, flop, folio, fortnightly, gasser, gazette,
giveaway, great work, happening, hardback, hit, hit show,
improvisational drama, installment, intermittent, isochronal,
joined, journal, journalese, journalistic, juvenile, juvenile book,
legitimate drama, limp-cover book, lineal, linear, livraison,
magazine, magazinish, magaziny, magnum opus, masque, measured,
melodrama, metronomic, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play,
monodrama, monologue, monthly, morality, morality play,
music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, network show,
newscast, newsmagazine, newspaperish, newspapery, nonbook,
notebook, novel, opera, opus, opuscule, opusculum, orderly,
ordinal, organ, oscillatory, pageant, panel show, pantomime,
paperback, paragraph, part, passage, pastoral, pastoral drama,
periodical, phrase, pictorial, picture book, piece, play, playbook,
playlet, pocket book, prayer book, problem play, production,
progressive, psalmbook, psalter, psychodrama, publication, pulsing,
quarterly, quiz show, radio drama, radio fare, radiobroadcast,
rebroadcast, reciprocal, recurrent, recurring, reportorial, rerun,
review, revue, rhythmic, rotary, seasonal, section,
sensational play, sequent, sequential, seriate, show, sitcom,
situation comedy, sketch, sketchbook, skit, slick magazine, soap,
soap opera, sociodrama, soft-cover, songbook, sound effects,
spectacle, sportscast, stage play, stage show, standard work,
steady, storybook, straight drama, subsequent, succeeding, success,
successional, successive, suspense drama, sustainer, tableau,
tableau vivant, talk show, taped program, teleplay,
television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, tight,
title, tome, total theater, trade book, trade magazine, undulant,
undulatory, uninterrupted, variety show, vaudeville,
vaudeville show, vehicle, verse, volume, wavelike, weekly,
wheeling, word-of-mouth success, work, writing, yearbook

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