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apotheosis    音標拼音: [əp,ɑθi'osəs]
n. 尊為神,封神,神化


n 1: model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no
equal [synonym: {ideal}, {paragon}, {nonpareil}, {saint},
{apotheosis}, {nonesuch}, {nonsuch}]
2: the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god) [synonym:
{deification}, {exaltation}, {apotheosis}]

Apotheosis \Ap`o*the"o*sis\ ([a^]p`[-o]*th[=e]"[-o]*s[i^]s;
277), n. pl. {Apotheoses} ([a^]p`[-o]*th[=e]"[-o]*s[=e]z).
[L., fr. Gr. 'apoqe`wsis, fr. 'apoqewy^n to deify; 'apo` from
qewy^n to deify, qeo`s a god.]
1. The act of elevating a mortal to the rank of, and placing
him among, "the gods;" deification.
[1913 Webster]

2. Glorification; exaltation. "The apotheosis of chivalry."
--Prescott. "The noisy apotheosis of liberty and
machinery." --F. Harrison.
[1913 Webster]

111 Moby Thesaurus words for "apotheosis":
accolade, acme, admiration, adoration, adulation, aggrandizement,
appreciation, approbation, approval, ascension, ascent, assumption,
awe, beatification, beau ideal, bepraisement, best type,
breathless adoration, canonization, congratulation, consideration,
courtesy, culmination, cynosure, deference, deification,
dignification, duty, ego ideal, elevation, eloge, embodiment,
encomium, ennoblement, enshrinement, enthronement, epitome,
erection, escalation, esteem, estimation, eulogium, eulogy,
exaggerated respect, exaltation, excessive praise, favor,
fetishization, flattery, gathering, glorification, glory,
great respect, height, hero, hero worship, high regard, homage,
hommage, honor, ideal, idolatry, idolization, idolizing,
immortalization, kudos, last word, laud, laudation, lifting,
lionization, lionizing, magnification, meed of praise, mirror,
overpraise, paean, panegyric, paragon, peak, praise, prestige,
quintessence, raising, rearing, regard, respect, resurrection,
reverence, reverential regard, sainting, sanctification,
shining example, summit, sursum corda, the Ascension,
the Assumption, translation, tribute, ultimate, upbuoying, upcast,
upheaval, uplift, uplifting, upping, uprearing, upthrow, upthrust,
veneration, worship

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