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means    音標拼音: [m'inz]
n. 手段,方法,工具;財力,資產,收入


方法 手段

n 1: how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of
control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction";
"the true way to success" [synonym: {means}, {agency}, {way}]
2: an instrumentality for accomplishing some end
3: considerable capital (wealth or income); "he is a man of
means" [synonym: {means}, {substance}]

146 Moby Thesaurus words for "means":
MO, Swiss bank account, action, ad hoc measure, algorithm, answer,
apparatus, approach, artifice, assessed valuation, assets,
assets and liabilities, attack, available means, balance,
bank account, bottom dollar, budget, capital, capital goods,
capitalization, cash reserves, checking account, circumstances,
command of money, contraption, contrivance, countermove, coup,
course, course of action, current assets, deferred assets,
demarche, device, dodge, effort, exchequer, expedient, fashion,
finances, fixed assets, form, frozen assets, fund, funds, gadget,
gimcrack, gimmick, gizmo, grist, guise, hand tool, holdings,
implement, improvisation, instrument, intangible assets,
intangibles, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, kitty,
last expedient, last resort, last shift, life savings, line,
line of action, lines, liquid assets, makeshift, maneuver, manner,
manner of working, material assets, measure, mechanical device,
method, methodology, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure,
modus operandi, moneys, move, nest egg, net assets, net worth,
order, pecuniary resources, pis aller, pocket, pool, power tool,
practice, precision tool, procedure, proceeding, process, property,
purse, quick assets, reserves, resort, resource, resources,
routine, savings, savings account, shake-up, shift, solution,
speed tool, step, stock, stock-in-trade, stopgap, stratagem,
stroke, stroke of policy, style, substance, supply, system, tack,
tactic, tangible assets, tangibles, technique, temporary expedient,
the drill, the how, the way of, tone, tool, treasure, trick, trump,
unregistered bank account, utensil, way, wealth, wherewithal, wise,
working hypothesis, working proposition



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