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frozen    音標拼音: [fr'ozən]
a. 凍結的,冰冷的,冷酷的
vbl. 凍結,冷凍,僵硬,freeze的過去分詞



adj 1: turned into ice; affected by freezing or by long and
severe cold; "the frozen North"; "frozen pipes";
"children skating on a frozen brook" [ant: {unfrozen}]
2: absolutely still; "frozen with horror"; "they stood rooted in
astonishment" [synonym: {frozen(p)}, {rooted(p)}, {stock-still}]
3: devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness
or disdain; "a frigid greeting"; "got a frosty reception"; "a
frozen look on their faces"; "a glacial handshake"; "icy
stare"; "wintry smile" [synonym: {frigid}, {frosty}, {frozen},
{glacial}, {icy}, {wintry}]
4: not thawed
5: (used of foods) preserved by freezing sufficiently rapidly to
retain flavor and nutritional value; "frozen foods" [synonym:
{flash-frozen}, {quick-frozen}, {frozen}]
6: not convertible to cash; "frozen assets"
7: incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen
prices"; "living on fixed incomes" [synonym: {fixed}, {frozen}]

Freeze \Freeze\, v. i. [imp. {Froze} (fr[=o]z); p. p. {Frozen}
(fr[=o]"z'n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Freezing}.] [OE. fresen,
freosen, AS. fre['o]san; akin to D. vriezen, OHG. iosan, G.
frieren, Icel. frjsa, Sw. frysa, Dan. fryse, Goth. frius
cold, frost, and prob. to L. prurire to itch, E. prurient,
cf. L. prna a burning coal, pruina hoarfrost, Skr. prushv[=a]
ice, prush to spirt. ? 18. Cf. {Frost}.]
1. To become congealed by cold; to be changed from a liquid
to a solid state by the abstraction of heat; to be
hardened into ice or a like solid body.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Water freezes at 32[deg] above zero by Fahrenheit's
thermometer; mercury freezes at 40[deg] below zero.
[1913 Webster]

2. To become chilled with cold, or as with cold; to suffer
loss of animation or life by lack of heat; as, the blood
freezes in the veins.
[1913 Webster]

{To freeze up} (Fig.), to become formal and cold in demeanor.
[1913 Webster]

Frozen \Fro"zen\, a.
1. Congealed with cold; affected by freezing; as, a frozen
[1913 Webster]

They warmed their frozen feet. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. Subject to frost, or to long and severe cold; chilly; as,
the frozen north; the frozen zones.
[1913 Webster]

3. Cold-hearted; unsympathetic; unyielding. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Be not ever frozen, coy. --T. Carew.
[1913 Webster]

169 Moby Thesaurus words for "frozen":
abiding, adamant, adamantine, affectless, aghast, aguey, aguish,
algid, amaranthine, anesthetized, appalled, arctic, ashen,
astounded, at a standstill, autistic, awed, awestricken, awestruck,
blanched, blast-frozen, blue with cold, blunt, catatonic,
changeless, chattering, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity,
cold-blooded, coldhearted, congealed, constant, continuing, cool,
cowed, deadly pale, deathless, dispassionate, dithery, drugged,
dull, durable, embalmed, emotionally dead, emotionless, enduring,
ever-fresh, everlasting, fadeless, firm, fixed, frigid,
frostbitten, frosted, frostnipped, frosty, frozen solid,
frozen to death, gelid, glacial, gray with fear, half-frozen,
heartless, horrified, horror-struck, ice, ice-cold, icelike, icy,
icy-cold, immobile, immortal, immotile, immotive, immovable,
immutable, impassible, impassive, imperishable, incorruptible,
inexcitable, inflexible, insusceptible, intact, intimidated,
inviolate, irremovable, lasting, never-dying, nonemotional,
objective, obtuse, out of touch, pale as death, pallid, paralyzed,
passionless, pat, permanent, perpetual, persistent, petrified,
quick-frozen, quiescent, remaining, rigid, scared stiff,
scared to death, self-absorbed, shaky, sharp-frozen, shivering,
shivery, solid, soulless, spiritless, stable, standpat, static,
stationary, staying, steadfast, stunned, stupefied, sustained,
terrified, terror-crazed, terror-haunted, terror-ridden,
terror-riven, terror-shaken, terror-smitten, terror-struck,
terror-troubled, torpid, unaffectionate, unaltered, unchangeable,
unchanged, unchanging, unchecked, undestroyed, undone, undying,
unemotional, unfading, unfailing, unfeeling, unimpassioned,
unimpressionable, unloving, unmanned, unmovable, unmoving,
unnerved, unpassionate, unresponding, unresponsive, unshifting,
unstrung, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, unvaried,
unvarying, unyielding, with chattering teeth

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