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patrol    音標拼音: [pətr'ol]
n. 巡邏,巡邏員,偵察隊
vi. 巡邏,巡視


n 1: a detachment used for security or reconnaissance
2: the activity of going around or through an area at regular
intervals for security purposes
3: a group that goes through a region at regular intervals for
the purpose of security
v 1: maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol [synonym:
{patrol}, {police}]

Patrol \Pa*trol"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Patrolled}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Patrolling}.] [F. patrouiller, O. & Prov. F. patrouiller
to paddle, paw about, patrol, fr. patte a paw; cf. D. poot
paw, G. pfote, and E. pat, v.]
To go the rounds along a chain of sentinels; to traverse a
police district or beat.
[1913 Webster]

Patrol \Pa*trol"\ (p[.a]*tr[=o]l"), v. t.
To go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard, or policeman; as, to
patrol a frontier; to patrol a beat.
[1913 Webster]

Patrol \Pa*trol"\, n. [F. patrouille, OF. patouille. See
{Patrol}, v. i.]
1. (Mil.)
(a) A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and
between the posts, by a guard, usually consisting of
three or four men, to insure greater security from
attacks on the outposts.
(b) A movement, by a small body of troops beyond the line
of outposts, to explore the country and gain
intelligence of the enemy's whereabouts.
(c) The guard or men who go the rounds for observation; a
detachment whose duty it is to patrol.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any perambulation of a particular line or district to
guard it; also, the men thus guarding; as, a customs
patrol; a fire patrol.
[1913 Webster]

In France there is an army of patrols to secure her
fiscal regulations. --A. Hamilton.
[1913 Webster]

3. See {Boy Scout}.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

67 Moby Thesaurus words for "patrol":
Argus, Charley, airplane spotter, beat, course, cover, defend,
defending, do, fire patrolman, fire warden, fireguard,
forward observer, go over, guard, guarding, keep guard, keep vigil,
keep watch, lookout, lookout man, measure, mount guard,
night watchman, overpass, pass over, pass through, patroller,
patrolman, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, picket, ply,
police, protect, protecting, protection, range, range over,
reconnoiter, rounds, roundsman, safeguarding, scour,
scour the country, scout, sentinel, sentry, spotter, stand guard,
stand sentinel, sweep, track, transit, travel over, travel through,
traverse, vedette, vigilance, voyage, watch, watch over, watcher,
watchfulness, watchkeeper, watchman

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