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unqualified    音標拼音: [ənkw'ɑlɪf,ɑɪd]
a. 不合格的,無資格的,不適任的



adj 1: not limited or restricted; "an unqualified denial" [ant:
2: not meeting the proper standards and requirements and
training [ant: {qualified}]
3: legally not qualified or sufficient; "a wife is usually
considered unqualified to testify against her husband";
"incompetent witnesses" [synonym: {incompetent}, {unqualified}]
[ant: {competent}]
4: having no right or entitlement; "a distinction to which he
was unentitled" [synonym: {unentitled}, {unqualified}]

Unqualified \Unqualified\
See {qualified}.

288 Moby Thesaurus words for "unqualified":
abiding, absolute, admitting no exception, all-embracing,
all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, arrant, authentic,
blasted, blessed, bona fide, born, broad-based, candid,
card-carrying, categorical, classical, clean, clear, complete,
comprehensive, conclusive, confounded, congenital, consummate,
crass, decided, decisive, deep-dyed, defective, deficient,
definite, definitive, determinate, dinkum, disqualified, downright,
dyed-in-the-wool, egregious, enduring, entire, exhaustive,
explicit, express, failing, final, firm, fixed, flagrant, flat,
flat-out, following the letter, found wanting, full, genuine,
glaring, global, good, gross, honest, honest-to-God, ill-adapted,
ill-assorted, ill-chosen, ill-equipped, ill-fitted, ill-furnished,
ill-matched, ill-provided, ill-qualified, ill-sorted, ill-suited,
ill-timed, illimitable, imperfect, implicit, improper, inadequate,
inadmissible, inappealable, inapplicable, inapposite,
inappropriate, inapt, inartificial, incapable, incapable of,
incompetent, incomplete, indisputable, ineffective, ineffectual,
inefficient, ineligible, inept, infelicitous, inferior, infernal,
insufficient, intact, integral, intensive, intolerable, irrelevant,
lacking, lawful, legitimate, lifelike, limitless, literal,
mal a propos, maladjusted, malapropos, misjoined, mismatched,
mismated, misplaced, natural, naturalistic, never-failing,
no strings, not enough, not equal to, not up to, omnibus,
omnipresent, open, original, out of character, out of joint,
out of keeping, out of line, out of place, out of proportion,
out of season, out of time, out of tune, out-and-out, outright,
peremptory, perfect, pervasive, plain, plenary, plumb, positive,
precious, profound, pronounced, proper, pure, pure and simple,
radical, rank, real, realistic, regular, rightful, round,
shattering, sheer, shocking, simon-pure, simple, sincere, sound,
stark, stark-staring, steadfast, steady, sterling, straight,
straight-out, superlative, sure-enough, surpassing, sweeping,
the veriest, thorough, thoroughgoing, through-and-through,
too little, total, true, true to life, true to nature,
true to reality, ubiquitous, unable, unable to, unadapted,
unadjusted, unadulterated, unaffected, unalloyed, unapt, unarmed,
unassumed, unassuming, unbearable, unbecoming, unbefitting,
unbound, unbounded, uncircumscribed, uncolored, unconcocted,
unconditional, unconditioned, unconfined, unconscionable, uncopied,
uncounterfeited, undeniable, undiluted, undisguised, undisguising,
undistorted, undoubting, unendowed, unequal to, unequipped,
unequivocal, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfaltering, unfanciful,
unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unfit, unfitted, unfitting,
unflattering, ungifted, unhampered, unhesitating, unimagined,
unimitated, uninvented, universal, unlimited, unmeasured,
unmistakable, unmitigated, unmixed, unprepared, unpretended,
unpretending, unprovided, unquestioning, unrelieved, unreserved,
unrestricted, unromantic, unsatisfactory, unsatisfying,
unseasonable, unseemly, unsimulated, unskilled, unspecious,
unspoiled, unsufficing, unsuitable, unsuited, unsynthetic,
untalented, untimely, untrained, unvarnished, unwaivable, utter,
verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, veritable, wanting,
whole, wholehearted, wholesale, wide-open, without exception,
without reserve, without strings, word-for-word

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