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console    音標拼音: [k'ɑnsol] [kəns'ol]
n. 控制臺
v. 控制臺
vt. 安慰,藉慰


控制台; 主控台


n 1: a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against
a wall [synonym: {console table}, {console}]
2: a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input
device that an operator can use to monitor and control a
system (especially a computer system)
3: an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to
support a wall fixture); "the bust of Napoleon stood on a
4: housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television
[synonym: {cabinet}, {console}]
v 1: give moral or emotional strength to [synonym: {comfort},
{soothe}, {console}, {solace}]

Console \Con*sole"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Consoled}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Consoling}.] [L. consolari,. p. p. consolatus; con-
solari to console, comfort: cf. F. consoler. See {Solace}.]
To cheer in distress or depression; to alleviate the grief
and raise the spirits of; to relieve; to comfort; to soothe.
[1913 Webster]

And empty heads console with empty sound. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

I am much consoled by the reflection that the religion
of Christ has been attacked in vain by all the wits and
philosophers, and its triumph has been complete. --P.

Syn: To comfort; solace; soothe; cheer; sustain; encourage;
support. See {Comfort}.
[1913 Webster]

Console \Con"sole\, n. [F.]
1. (Arch.)
(a) A bracket whose projection is not more than half its
(b) Any small bracket; also, a console table.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Computers) The keyboard and monitor of a computer
considered together.

3. (Engineering) The controlling portion of an electrical,
electronic, or mechanical device or system, from which the
operator may observe the state of the system as indicated
by gauges or on some form of {display[n3]}, and may direct
or control the action of the system.

4. the desklike controlling unit of an organ containing the
keyboard, pedals, stops, etc. by means of which the organ
is played.

5. a home entertainment device such as a television, radio,
phonograph, CD player, or combination of these, designed
as a piece of furniture, to stand on the floor rather than
on a table or in a separate cabinet; -- also used
attributively in the phrase {console model}.

{Console table}, a table whose top is supported by two or
more consoles instead of legs.
[1913 Webster]

67 Moby Thesaurus words for "console":
animate, assuage, assure, bear up, buck up, cabinet, calm, chassis,
cheer, cheer up, choir, claviature, comfort, commiserate,
condole with, control desk, control panel, ease, echo,
eighty-eight, encourage, express sympathy for, feel with,
fingerboard, give comfort, graphic panel, great, grieve for,
grieve with, hearten, housing, inspirit, ivories, jack field,
keyboard, keys, manual, master control desk, mixer, organ manual,
panelboard, pedals, piano keys, put at ease, radio, radio receiver,
radio set, radio telescope, reassure, receiver, receiving set,
relieve, set, set at ease, solace, solo, soothe, sorrow with,
speak soothing words, swell, sympathize with, tranquilize, upraise,
weep for, weep with, wireless, wireless set

1. The operator's station of a {mainframe}. In times past,
this was a privileged location that conveyed godlike powers to
anyone with fingers on its keys. Under {Unix} and other
modern {time-sharing} {operating systems}, such privileges are
guarded by passwords instead, and the console is just the
{tty} the system was booted from. Some of the mystique
remains, however, and it is traditional for {sysadmins} to
post urgent messages to all users from the console (on Unix,

2. On {microcomputer} {Unix} boxes, the main screen and
keyboard (as opposed to character-only terminals talking to a
{serial port}). Typically only the console can do real
graphics or run {X}. See also {CTY}.

[{Jargon File}]

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