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basilica    音標拼音: [bəs'ɪlɪkə] [bəz'ɪləkə]
n. 長方形會堂,長方形教堂


n 1: an early Christian church designed like a Roman basilica;
or a Roman Catholic church or cathedral accorded certain
privileges; "the church was raised to the rank of basilica"
2: a Roman building used for public administration [synonym:
{basilica}, {Roman basilica}]

Basilica \Ba*sil"i*ca\, n.; pl. {Basilicas}; sometimes
{Basilic[ae]} (-s[=e]). [L. basilica, Gr. basilikh` (sc.
o'iki`a or stoa` fr. basiliko`s royal, fr. basiley`s king.]
1. Originally, the palace of a king; but afterward, an
apartment provided in the houses of persons of importance,
where assemblies were held for dispensing justice; and
hence, any large hall used for this purpose.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.)
(a) A building used by the Romans as a place of public
meeting, with court rooms, etc., attached.
(b) A church building of the earlier centuries of
Christianity, the plan of which was taken from the
basilica of the Romans. The name is still applied to
some churches by way of honorary distinction.
[1913 Webster]

Basilica \Ba*sil"i*ca\, n.
A digest of the laws of Justinian, translated from the
original Latin into Greek, by order of Basil I., in the ninth
century. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

BASILICA, civil law. This is derived from a Greek word, which signifies
imperial constitutions. The emperor Basilius, finding the Corpus Juris
Civilis of Justinian too long and obscure, resolved to abridge it, and under
his auspices the work proceeded to the fortieth book, which, at his death,
remained unfinished. His son and successor, Leo, the philosopher, continued
the work, and published it in sixty books, about the year 880. Constantine
Porphyro-genitus, younger brother of Leo, revised the work, re-arranged it,
and republished it, Anno Domini, 910. From that time the laws of Justinian
ceased to have any force in the eastern empire, and the Basilica were the
foundation of the law observed there till Constantine XIII, the last of the
Greek emperors, under whom, in 1453, Constantinople was taken by Mahomet the
Turk, who put an end to the empire and its laws. Histoire de la
Jurisprudence Etienne, Intr. a 1'etude du Droit Romain, Sec. LIII. The
Basilica were written in Greek. They were translated into Latin by J. Cujas
(Cujacius) Professor of Law in the University of Bourges, and published at
Lyons, 22d of January, 1566, in one vol. fo.

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